Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Call for Papers, ASEE 2011, June 26-26, Vancouver, BC

The summer of 2010 is winding down. It's hard to think about next summer when the leaves are just starting to change, the days are growing shorter and students are streaming back to campus for the start of another academic year. But planning is already underway for the 118th ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, which will be held in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, June 26-29, 2011.

The Engineering Libraries Division invites papers for technical and poster sessions and abstracts for panel discussions. Below is a list of proposed session topics for the 2011 program. Most of these ideas were suggested by you, the membership of ELD, during this year's conference in Louisville and in our post-conference survey. Please note that this list is not exclusive. If you have an idea that doesn't seem to fit in any of the categories below, please feel free to suggest it by contacting me at

1. Sunday Workshop Ideas

  • Introduction to data curation and management
  • Preparing for the ABET accreditation process
  • Teaching standards
  • Engineering librarianship 101: introduction to sources
2. E-Science and Data Curation
  • E-science in the engineering context
  • Role of engineering librarians in facilitating e-science and data curation
  • Educating faculty about the importance of archiving and managing scientific data
  • Library data management services for small-scale research projects
  • Emerging standards for archiving and disseminating research data
3. You Can't Do That On Facebook! Ethical Issues and Plagiarism
  • Ethical challenges created by new technologies, e.g. social networks, smart phones, etc.
  • Working with faculty to develop effective ethics and plagiarism policies
  • Educating undergraduate and graduate students about ethics and plagiarism
  • Library responses to specific problems, e.g. Ryerson University Facebook case
4. Out With the Old, In With the New: Reinventing the Academic Engineering Library
  • Stellar success stories and frightening failures
  • The incredible shrinking library: space planning, space sharing
  • Developing the library's virtual presence using Web 2.0, Second Life, social networks, etc.
  • New tools and techniques, e.g. mobile technologies, etc.
  • Library services for the 21st century engineering student and faculty
5. International Perspectives on Engineering Librarianship
  • Canadian Engineering Landscape
  • Librarian perspectives on the new Canadian Engineering Education Association (CEEA)
  • Role of librarians in the CEAB Accreditation Process (Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board)
  • Library services for foreign students studying at Canadian and American universities
  • International library partnerships and programs
  • Engineering libraries worldwide
6. Collection Development and Access
  • Developments in e-book content, platforms and tools
  • Library support for e-book readers, e.g. Kindle, etc.
  • Patron-driven acquisition models
  • Collaborative collection development, e.g. university consortia, multi-campus coordination, etc.
  • Supporting new programs and niche disciplines in difficult economic times
  • Promoting access to electronic materials, e.g. online research guides, pathfinders, etc.
7. Scholarly Communication Issues
  • Social networks for professional engineers
  • Library support for faculty research profile systems, e.g. VIVO, etc.
  • New tools for promoting scholarly communication, e.g. publisher websites, open access tools
  • Educating faculty and grad students about predatory open access publishers
  • Promoting open access to engineering faculty and researchers
8. Information Literacy, Professional Skills, and Life-long Learning
  • Assessment of course-integrated library instruction
  • Librarian-faculty partnerships
  • Programs for graduate students
  • New tools and techniques for delivering tutorials, e.g. course management software, video tutorials, etc.
9. Digital Collections
  • Ongoing developments in institutional repositories (IR)
  • Library support for electronic theses and dissertations
  • Free or fee? Striking a balance between access and financial sustainability
  • Obtaining funding for digital projects
  • Local technical report collections
  • Rembrandts in your attic: identifying and preserving rare engineering materials
10. Developments in Engineering Librarianship
  • Embedded librarians: old wine in new bottles?
  • Successful librarian-faculty collaborations
  • Innovative library outreach programs
  • Mentoring the next generation of engineering librarians
11. ABET/CEAB Accreditation
  • The role of librarians in the accreditation process
  • Preparing for an accreditation visit
  • Educating faculty about the role of the library in accreditation
12. Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Issues
  • IPR training for engineering students and faculty
  • Copyright training for librarians
  • Developments in open access
  • Patent search tools and techniques
  • Open source software
You may submit abstracts for papers, posters and panel discussions beginning today, Wednesday, September 8, 2010. The last date for abstract submissions is Friday, October 8, 2010. Please remember that all posters and presentations require a paper in accordance with ASEE's "publish to present" policy. Papers will be peer-reviewed for acceptance into the conference proceedings. Exceptions to the paper requirement include guest speakers and members of panel discussions. I will be contacting potential reviewers in the next few days.

Again, here are the important fall deadlines to remember:

Sept. 8 - Abstract submission opens

Sept. 8
- Abstract review process begins
Oct. 8
- Abstract submission closes
Nov. 12
- Abstract review process ends
Dec. 3
- Abstracts Accepted/Rejected

If you're interested in submitting an abstract, please review the information in the Author's Kit located at I also encourage you to take advantage of our Mentoring Committee's Paper Review Service.

Please note that ASEE has replaced the SmoothPaper paper management system with a new system designed by in-house staff. I will be learning the new system with you and will do my best to make the submission and review processes as straightforward as possible. To get started, please go to and click the "log in" link in the upper right hand corner to log into the paper management system or to set up your account.

The ELD Program Planning Committee looks forward to working with all ELD members over the next ten months to create a strong program for ASEE 2011 in Vancouver. The Program Planning Committee is:

Craig Beard, Publications Chair

Amy Buhler, Director (1st year)
Aleteia Greenwood, Member of the Awards and Nominating Committees
Bob Heyer-Gray, Chair
Doug McGee, Treasurer/Secretary
Adriana Popescu, Director (2nd year)
Megan Sapp Nelson, Scholarly Communications Chair
Larry Thompson, Development Chair
Michael White, Program Chair/Chair Elect

If you have any questions or ideas, please contact me at (E-mail is best as I am on parental leave until early November.)

Thank you,

Michael White

ELD Program Chair, 2010-2011