"Using Videos to Teach the Ethical Use of Engineering Information"
- William Baer, Wichita State University
- Cornered by faculty, who were worried about plagiarism
- NSF was also considering mandate requiring copyright education
- Expanded the original topic to NSPE Code of Ethics, copyright, and citations
- Classroom time is limited, faculty don't want to fit something else in; "WU-torials" were a good fit (WU is the university mascot)
- Focused on educational objective, rather than entertainment
- Wanted instructors to be able to insert into Blackboard course management system
- 4 shorter videos = faster download, faculty choice
- Got permission to use an existing worksheet about plagiarism available online
- Created a test in Blackboard, could be imported into faculty grading if wanted
- U.S. citizens scored higher than non-U.S. on both pre/post; but both improved by same # of points, so bigger impact for non-U.S. citizens
- Students with ethics class did worse on pre-test (?) but better than other students on post-test
"Smart Searching: an online information fluency tutorial tailored specifically to introductory engineering students"
- Eric Resnis, Miami University
- Existing tutorials: TILT (Texas Information Literacy Tutorial), Georgetown University's, ACRL's PRIMO (peer-reviewed instructional materials online)
- Wanted an engineering-specific tutorial = "Smart Searching: Finding, Citing & Evaluating Information"
- "Smart searching" is brand, includes variety of instructional modalities
- Each module has: Introduction (learning outcomes), Tools, Techniques, Practice
- Printable handout links from within tutorial
- "A la carte" content: link to WordPress blog = timely information for students
- Tutorial "ads" - worked with technologist librarian to create content management system, output would be clickable image for website that rotate every 10 seconds
- 2007: Quiz required; created question bank, randomly generated set of 10 questions
- http://elearn.lib.muohio.edu/science/eas, /eas102
"Exploring, Reading and Writing Scientific Literature in English: The Non-Native English Speakers' Perspective"
- Adriana Popescu, Princeton U.
- Heart and soul tools, not technology tools
- How librarians can help international students integrating into American educational system
- Dictionary of American Idioms - "hit the hay," "hit the ceiling," "horse around," "smell a rat," "pay through the nose," "stick your neck out" - frustrating to communicate
- Library terminology - many don't know what "reference" or "interlibrary loan" or "stacks" mean
- Princeton: over half of engineering grad students are international; many international students in electrical engineering, economics, and chemistry
- Bottom line: solid basic knowledge of resources and services available to them
- Faculty want grad students to be able to write; seeing copy/paste problem; may not have had to write as undergrads in their countries
- Combine Writing Program, Libraries, engineering college - but students not just in engineering
- Goals: experience, understanding of technical communications, collaboration, critical thinking about research articles
- Informal: online discussion board for reactions to readings
- Formal: 1500 literature review
- Met with Writing Center to help them learn about engineering literature - taught how to search databases, helped choose classic papers, talked about scholarly communication and publishing trends, plagiarism
- Readings: 2 articles about international students (why less likely to take advantage of resources/services, interact mostly with people of same language/culture)
- Asked them how they keep up with their field, how do you get from a citation to finding the paper? (Google)
- Assignment: find out where your field conducts its business
- Caught their attention: RSS feeds - you can get news from your country every da; Interviews - what were the latest papers published by your interviewers?
"Flexible Info Lit Strategies for Engineering Design in EPICS"
- Lisa Dunn, Colorado School of Mines
- Our EPICS (Engineering Practices Introductory Course Sequence) doesn't relate to other campuses
- Library has formal teaching session for freshman EPICS course; informal support for rest
- Information overload: how process and retain?
- Projects with real clients; change every semester; information requirements vary
- Variety of adjunct faculty - don't know what library can do
- Smaller lecture over time, larger team activity component
- Set up space with students facing each other, using laptops
- Modeled after real world: each person gets a different piece of the project, then communicates with the others
- Marketing - awareness (capturing information from your user - not a dialogue) + change + response (demonstrating the benefit) - Pat Wagner, Pattern Research, "Marketing As If Your Library Depended on It"
- Generally, instructors noticed enhanced team environment, time on task, finding relevant information
- Instructors asked us to do things that we were already doing - communication problem
- Different instructors wanted different things
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